The easiest and best way to install a free WordPress blog theme from theme directory. First way
What you need to do:
Make sure you are logged in to the WordPress Admin dashboard.
Once you are in the dashboard go to Appearance -> Themes.
You will see a list of all the themes currently installed in your application. To install your new WordPress theme, simply click on the Add New tab.
Click the Search New Theme button in the WordPress dashboard.
Now, click the Select Theme install & Activated
In a few seconds, WordPress will upload and extract the theme.
You will need to activate the theme for the changes to take effect.
The alternative method to install and activate the Fiona blog theme will be found on the official website Nayra Themes. This is the manual method where you need to download themes and upload them from your WordPress administrator.
Make sure you are logged in to the WordPress Admin dashboard.
Once you are in the dashboard go to Appearance -> Themes.
You will see a list of all the themes currently installed in your application. To install your new WordPress theme, simply click on the Add New tab.
Click the Search New Theme button in the WordPress dashboard.
Now, click the Select Theme install & Activated
In a few seconds, WordPress will upload and extract the theme.
You will need to activate the theme for the changes to take effect.
The file-transfer protocol is also an alternative way to install a WordPress theme. It is quite simple it seems. If you want to hone your skills to the next level, then you can use this method:
Make sure you are logged in to the WordPress Admin dashboard.
Once you are in the dashboard go to Appearance -> Themes.
You will see a list of all the themes currently installed in your application. To install your new WordPress theme, simply click on the Add New tab.
Click the Search New Theme button in the WordPress dashboard.
Now, click the Select Theme install & Activated
In a few seconds, WordPress will upload and extract the theme.
You will need to activate the theme for the changes to take effect.
To upgrade to the premium version of the Fiona Blog Theme, you must purchase the Fiona Blog Pro from our website. There are two different methods to install a premium WordPress theme
1.Installing Theme via WordPress Interface
Buy Fiona Blog Pro Theme and save the downloaded theme zip file on your hard drive from your email or through login account page.
Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Themes >> Add New.
Click on the Upload Theme button at the top and browse the file from the extracted/unzipped in your computer file location.
Click on Install and activate the theme.
Click on Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize, for further setup.
2.Installing Theme Offline
Buy Fiona Blog Pro Theme and save the downloaded theme zip file on your hard drive from your email or through login account page.
Now Connect the FTP server using the FTP details and copy the extracted folder to ‘site-name/wp-content/themes/’ path.
Now, go to the Dashboard >> Appearance >> Themes.
You will see the Fiona Blog Pro theme in the theme dashboard.
Activate the Color Blog Pro theme.
Click on Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize, for further setup.