In WordPress Dashboard go to Appearance submenu and click on Customize.

After clicking on customize you will in theme Customizer.

Here you have to click on Typography than Setting

In Setting Here you Can Enable/Disable

Go to Customize -> Typography -> ->Setting

In WordPress Dashboard go to Appearance submenu and click on Customize.

After clicking on customize you will in theme Customizer.

Here you have to click on Typography than Body

In Body Here you Can manage Body Typography

Go to Customize -> Typography -> Body

In WordPress Dashboard go to Appearance submenu and click on Customize.

After clicking on customize you will in theme Customizer.

Here you have to click on Typography than Menus

In Menus Here you Can manage Menus Typography

Go to Customize -> Typography ->Menu

In WordPress Dashboard go to Appearance submenu and click on Customize.

After clicking on customize you will in theme Customizer.

Here you have to click on Typography than Sections

In Sections Here you Can manage Sections Typography

Go to Customize -> Typography -> ->Sections

In WordPress Dashboard go to Appearance submenu and click on Customize.

After clicking on customize you will in theme Customizer.

Here you have to click on Typography than Sections

In H1 to H6 Here you Can manage Typography

Go to Customize -> Typography -> ->H1 to H6

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