+-How to add site logo? Go to WP Menu => Appearance => Customize => Click on Header => Site Identity In site identity, you can add a logo and you can set logo width accordingly. +-How to Manage your site title and Tagline ? Go to WP Menu => Appearance => Customize => Click on Header => Site Identity In site identity, you can see a check box of Display title and tagline enable It and now you can see your title & Tag line. +-How Can I Add My Site Icon & Set logo width? Go to WP Menu => Appearance => Customize => Click on Header => Site Identity In site identity you can add site icon and add a site icon of (512px X 512px). Also as you can see in given below image you can set logo width according to you. Then click on Publish. +-How to select header type? Go to WP Menu => Appearance => Customize => Click on Header => Header Type? In Header Type you can see many types of header, Header will depend on your requirement Click on Publish. +-How to Enable and Disable Sticky Header? Go to WP Menu => Appearance => Customize => Click on Header => Sticky Header In STICKY HEADER you can see the sticky header section now you have to check it on hide/show for Sticky Header. Click on Publish.